Sunday, August 25, 2019

Thank God, they came.

Somewhere between the lightening and flood,
between the heat and ice,
between heaven's songs and earth's tears,
between the dark and light,

They came.

No announcement given
No invitation sent nor received
No words spoken nor heard

They simply came.

A daunting task, they knew
Unsure of their timing
Unknown if their gift would be rebuffed or embraced

They came in courage.

Attached to her back in one graceful motion
Pinned to his heart in one fell swoop

They came in hope and strength.

To show a new way
To grant a new path
To choose a new life
Blessing given
Path revealed 

Leaving again those they once cleaved to in love
Waiting, watching, praying to see
Their new wings unfurled...

As we step off the cliff --- Falling into Grace
Learning to soar with courage and strength 
To say 
I love you
In ways never thought possible.

What was that silent sound?
Fluttering wings hovering, waiting, rounding

Staying just long enough to insure --
We know our hearts have been enlarged

Big enough for the love holding our past
Big enough for the love filling our future.

We are so grateful they came.
Thank God, they came.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

If You Want To Try

Putting them on required working quickly in the fading light of the freezing air, wrapping different materials, and hoping for enough protection from the elements in order to heal.

Taking them off took longer, required scissors/a box cutter/clippers,  a lot more work, and far more courage.

For almost deadly wounds like these, the tree expert said last February:

"If you want to try to save it - this is what you do right now and this is what you'll do in August.
 - and there's no guarantee it'll survive."

If you want to try -
Do now - do later - no guarantees.

Bandages and Courage

Why do we rarely take notice how they work side by side?

Courage to put them on with great expectations for safety, healing, and memory of the wound.

Courage to take them off when it's time for such wounds to fill with sun, fill with wind, fill with water
When it's time to step back into life.

Do now - do later - no guarantees.

Leaving the iridescent green tape on the limbs reminded me of the traumatic snowstorm my precious tree endured.
It spoke of my good work and of my care.
It also told me there was more to do, but I preferred to ignore that part....

.....until today when I knew it had to be done and so I began -
Cutting, pulling, coaxing, even asking the bandages to give way
And in their unraveling the gaping wounds became exposed
Something akin to healed bark appeared in some areas, but not all.

I touched the deep wounds with a little prayer
It's time to stand on your own, I said
It's time to take the sun, the wind, the rain and even the winter snows.
You've healed enough to do this.

You are free to fully breathe again
No longer restricted by green tape and bandages

I have no idea what the tree wanted in this whole matter
But in my all knowing human way I decided it wanted to live
It might have become quite accustomed to the bandages, too,
Just as grieving humans are apt to stay in our caves, wrapped in our symbols of pain, and expecting the rest of life will always be exactly like this.

Until ---
Someone takes the time and shows the courage needed to remove the bandages, lead us to the next step of healing, tell us that we're worth something again.

We come together and say to each other --

I know what it's been like --
I know the grievous  wound beneath your bandages --
I know the courage it's taken just to survive --

Until ---
We say to each other

Let me gently remove all this stuff so you can breathe again -
Let me ease the path still fraught with surprises
Let me take your hand and reassure you that as the bandages come off
You will stand in the sun, the wind, the rain, the snow and be alright.

The wound, of course, somewhat healed over
Will always be present -

As will I.

As will I.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

So much left to say.....

The last time you sat there -- the last time you sat anywhere
You didn't want to move -- you didn't want to return to that hospital bed

As you sat at the far end of the couch I've never liked at all

Your last clear words echoed forth like a call to a haunting
Filling the space between our life I clung to
The one I feared crouching like a tsunami on the porch -
Still outside my vision, but already within my heart with its cold, unstoppable grip

"But I have so much left to say," you said while struggling to stand, to take the two steps to the bed
The last two steps of your life

God knows, we both had so much left to say
No one could tell us when the last opportunity would be

Your utterance was it

Your announcement of incompleteness
Your desire to keep sharing yourself
Your hope for more words
Your drive to stay alive, to stay engaged with this gift called life

I didn't get it until you were gone

Gone from the couch, gone from the hospital bed, gone from the house
Simply gone

But, the couch I've never liked at all has remained these past four years
Still the ugly color we picked out thinking it really wasn't that color, it must be some other color
Over the years it's been here, it still hasn't become the color I wanted
Sitting here like a memorial in the exact same place
The far end where you sat and where I slept the last week of your life

Grace has allowed me to live in this room without dwelling on all that transpired
within its walls your last ten days
And now
Grace is telling me to invite in
New hope, new vision, new warmth, new joy
Even in this room with the couch I have never liked at all

Completely unexpected
Totally unwarranted
Parched soul and withered heart
Tenderly held
Overwhelmed and grateful.

This room walled with painful memory
Now blessed with tenderness
Restored to life

Your last words echo in a new and fresh way
There really is still so much left to say ---- within this gift of life!

So much left to say!

Amen - let it be so!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Fire Blue Dream

Something is stirring

Something is calling me to the blank page tonight

Something is itching to break free

I can't put my finger on it

I can't taste it

I can't see it

But, it is there - invisibly forcefully there.

Pushing. Ordering. Pulling.

Something is stirring inside

Fires of light

Blues of emotions

Dreams hiding between marrow and bone

If only I could wrap my arms around it

Taste its sweetness

Spend hours gazing upon it with my light shy eyes.

Compelling. Urging. Begging. Demanding.

Fire Blue Dream is calling

It wants my hand and promises to lead me

To bring me home

Home to the place free of fear, free of grief

Fire Blue Dream is calling

I want to answer, to take the leap, to fall into its balmy abyss

Where only Life can catch me

Where only Truth can hold me

Where only Love can heal me.

Fire Blue Dream is calling ...........